JOURNAL OF INDONESIAN TROPICAL FISHERIES (JOINT-FISH) : Jurnal Akuakultur, Teknologi dan Manajemen Perikanan Tangkap dan Ilmu Kelautan <p><strong>JOURNAL OF INDONESIAN TROPICAL FISHERIES (JOINT-FISH): </strong>Jurnal akuakultur, teknologi dan manajemen perikanan tangkap dan Ilmu kelautan memuat hasil-hasil penelitian/kajian yang meliputi aspek teknologi, manajemen dan kebijakan perikanan, pesisir, laut dan pulau-pulau kecil.</p> <p>Jurnal ini diterbitkan oleh <em><strong>Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Muslim Indonesia</strong></em> Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan dengan jadwal penerbitan 2 (dua) kali dalam satu tahun (bulan Juni dan Desember) dengan tujuan menyebarluaskan informasi hasil-hasil penelitian tentang Akuakultur dan perkembangan Teknologi dan Manajemen Perikanan Tangkap, Ilmu Kelautan, kebijakan pembangunan perikanan dan kelautan antara lain; teknologi dan manajemen budidaya perairan, pembenihan, teknologi dan manajemen perikanan tangkap, ekominawisata, sosial ekonomi perikanan, kewirausahaan/agribisnis, penanganan dan pengolahan hasil perikanan, pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil, bioteknologi kelautan, instrumentasi kelautan, penginderaan jauh.</p> <p>Naskah yang dimuat dalam jurnal ini terutama berasal dari penelitian maupun kajian konseptual yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa dan staf pengajar/akademisi dari berbagai universitas di Indonesia, para peneliti di berbagai bidang lembaga pemerintahan dan pemerhati masalah perikanan, kelautan dan pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil.</p> en-US (Ihsan) (Herianto Suriadin) Sun, 30 Jun 2024 14:32:48 +0000 OJS 60 ANALISIS PERSEPSI DAN STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN EKOWISATA PANTAI LEMO-LEMO KELURAHAN TANAH LEMO KECEMATAN BONTO BAHARI KABUPATEN BULUKUMBA <p><em>The purpose of this study is to determine the Potential, Perception and Ecotourism Development Strategy of Lemo-Lemo Beach, Tahah Lemo Village, Bonto Bahari District, Bulukumba Regency. This research was conducted using qualitative descriptive method. This study was conducted from October to November 2023. The results showed that the potential for the development of lemo-lemo beach is very suitable (S1) to be developed into beach tourism based on the tourism suitability index (IKW), which is 91%. Public perception of the development of Lemo-Lemo beach tourism are: Attractiveness 83.64%, Accessibility 44.51%, Condition of tourism objects 59.73%, Supporting facilities 62.63%, complementary facilities 39.12%, So the overall perception of the Lemo-Lemo beach community category agrees with a percentage of 100% and this indicates that Lemo-Lemo beach tourism deserves to be developed. The Lemo-Lemo beach tourism attraction development strategy must promote the potential of beach tourism, improve the development of facilities and infrastructure as well as accessibility and cooperate with local governments and related agencies.</em></p> Nurazizah Nurazizah, Muhammad Kasnir, Asbar Asbar ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 AKTIVITAS OSMOREGULASI IKAN CAPUNGAN TITIK HITAM (Sphaeramia orbicularis) PADA LINGKUNGAN BERSALINITAS <p><em>Osmoregulation in fish is a process that involves regulating the balance of water and electrolytes in their bodies, especially changes in salinity in the water environment where they live. This study aims to determine the osmoregulatory ability of orbiculate cardinalfish (Sphaeramia orbicularis) to changes in salinity. This research used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with four treatments, namely control (no treatment), 150 mL fresh water/L sea water, 100 mL fresh water/L sea water, and 50 mL fresh water/L sea water and respectively three repetitions each. orbiculate cardinalfish with a length ranging from 5.2 ± 0.46 cm and a weight of 2.3 ± 0.25 g were kept in each rearing container and given treatment based on each treatment. The parameters observed in this study were the fish's osmoregulatory ability by looking at fish behavior, external organs (fish skin and gills), and examination of internal organs (kidneys), and survival rate. The results showed that the control treatment at the end of the study had abnormal kidney and gill conditions. Meanwhile, the dilution treatment of 150 mL fresh water/L sea water, 100 mL fresh water/L sea water, and 50 mL fresh water/L sea water showed normal conditions or symptoms in the kidneys and gills, but the fish skin organs showed pale or faded in all treatments. Based on these results it can be concluded that the best treatment is 150 mL fresh water/L sea water treatment. </em></p> Samsu Adi Rahman, Frederik Dony Sangkia, Iksan Randa Manuli, Muhammad Safir ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 SELEKTIVITAS ALAT TANGKAP RAJUNGAN (Portunus pelagicus) DI PERAIRAN SEGERI KABUPATEN PANGKEP <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>The research aims to determine the size distribution of crabs caught, determine the proportion of swimming crabs that are suitable for catching and analyze the selectivity of gillnet and dragon trap fishing gear. </em><em>This</em><em> research will be carried out from May - December 2023 in the Bawasalo area, Segeri District, Pangkep Regency</em><em> The parameters calculated for determining size distribution use a distribution table based on Sturgess, the proportion of size suitable for catching using the Odum rule and the selectivity of gill net crab and dragon fish traps using the Sparre and Venema rule. The research results showed that (1) the size structure of crab carapace caught with gillnet fishing gear was dominant in the range of 10.1-11.0 cm with a frequency of 202 individuals, then the size structure of crab carapace caught with gillnet fishing gear was dominant in the range of 9.1 -10.0 cm with a frequency of 278 individuals, while the carapace size structure of male crabs is dominant in the range of 9.1-10.0 cm with a frequency of 289 individuals and the carapace size structure of female crabs is dominant at 10.1-11.0 cm with a frequency of 184 fish, (2) The value of allowable catch size (ACS)&nbsp; of crabs caughtb by gillnets is 66.9% and those not allowable catch size (nACS) is 33.1% 920 while the ACS size value of crabs caught by fish traps is 39.6% and the BLT size is 60.4%. The LT size value of male crab is 50.5% and the nACS is 39.5% and the ACS size value of female crab is 56.8$ and the nACS is 43.2% (3, Fishing gear gillnet has a higher selectivity value compared to dragon traps.</em></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Muhammad Jamal, Hasrun Hasrun, Ihsan Ihsan, Ernaningsih Ernaningsih ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 KAJIAN DISTRIBUSI SUHU PERMUKAAN LAUT DAN KLOROFIL–A DI PERAIRAN ACEH BARAT <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>West Aceh is an area that is directly opposite the Indian Ocean and has its own Oceanographic characteristics and dynamics. Sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a are influenced by these oceanographic factors, such as currents and winds. wind, besides that the fertility of a water body is closely related to temperature and chlorophyll-a. The purpose of this study was to determine the distribution pattern of sea surface temperature sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a and determine the relationship between sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a in the waters of the ocean. and chlorophyll-a in the waters of West Aceh. This research was conducted from January to October 2022 in the waters of West Aceh. The method used descriptive method and mathematical modeling method. Observation results It was found that the distribution pattern of sea surface temperature has a difference every month. the lowest temperature in October 29.150C and the highest in May 35.090C. May 35.090C. Distributed temperature distribution caused by by the movement of currents and winds on the sea surface. high chlorophyll-a concentrations are close to the mouth of the river around the West Aceh coast and are distributed by currents and surface winds. range of chlorophyll concentration concentrations were lowest in August at 0.09 mg/m3 and highest in September at 6.97 mg/m3. September 6.97 mg/m3. The correlation coefficient (r) of the relationship between sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a of 0.601797 which is positive</em></p> Willy Okta Fianda, Mai Suriani ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ANALISIS PRODUKSI DAN POTENSI UNSUR HARA SERASAH DI KAWASAN KONSERVASI MANGROVE PUNTONDO KECAMATAN MANGARABOMBANG KABUPATEN TAKALAR <p><em>The study aims to determine the production and potential of litter nutrients of Rhizophora mucronate, as well as estimate the potential of nutrients (C, N, P and K) released into marine waters. Sampling is carried out using the transect-squared method. Mangrove litter avalanches are captured using litter traps and measured in size by filtering litter in water streams connecting mangrove forests and the sea. The potential of mangrove litter nutrient production was analyzed by conducting C, N, P and K nutrient analysis at the Hasanuddin University Chemistry laboratory. The results showed that the dominating mangrove type was R. mucronata. Pontondo mangrove conservation area produces an average litter production of R. mucronata of 3.68 gr/m2/day or 13.41 tons/ha/year of litter; And the biggest contributor is leaves. Rhizhophora mucronata litter potential nutrient production reaches 0.4529 gr-C/m2/day or 1.653 tons-C/ha/year, 0.02904 gr-N/m2/day or 0.1060 tons-N/ha/year, 0.02109 gr-P/m2/day or 0.0770 tons-P/ha/year, and 0.02603 gr-K/m2/day or 0.0950 tons-K/ha/year. Pontondo mangrove conservation forest also contributes litter to marine waters of around 560,832 gr./day of waste to marine waters, and contributes nutrients to marine waters of 69,021.96 gr-C per day; element N of 4,425, 690 gr-N/day; element P is 3,214, 116 gr-P/day and element K is 3,966.515 gr-K/day.</em></p> Asbar Asbar, Muhammad Yunus, Hamsiah Hamsiah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ANALISIS FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI PRODUKSI DAN RISIKO USAHA TANI GARAM DI KABUPATEN JENEPONTO (STUDI KASUS DESA ARUNGKEKE, KECAMATAN ARUNGKEKE) <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p><em>One of the natural potentials in coastal areas is the salt business. Salt (NaCl) is a food supplement and a source of electrolytes for the human body. The study aims to: (1)Describe the salt production process; (2)Analyze the factors that affect salt production; (3)Analyze the production and income of salt farmers; (4)Analyze the production and income risks faced by salt farmers. The study population was all salt farmers in Arungkeke Village, Jeneponto Regency, totaling 161 people. Determination of the number of farmer samples using the Slovin Method with 35 respondents by simple random sampling. The data analysis method is Descriptive Analysis, Multiple Linear Regression Analysis, Income Analysis and Risk Analysis. The results of the study show that: (1)The salt business production process is by land processing, adding sea water, water evaporation, and harvesting is carried out every 7-8 days. (2)The influence of capital production factors(X1), number of workers(X2), land area(X3), length of work(X4), and sea water volume(X5) together (F test= 17.438) is significant. The R-square value of 0.750 means 75% influence of model X1-X5 on the research results. Partially (t-test) then X1, X3, X4 and X5 are significant, while X2 is not significant. (3)The average Total Salt Production/Farmer is 8,787.42 Kg or 107.164 Kg/Ha. While the Average Farmer Income is Rp.21,655,688 or Rp.64,093,757/Ha. (4)The level of Production Risk faced by salt farmers is classified as high because the coefficient of variation (CV) value is 1.21(&gt;0.5). Meanwhile, the income risk level is also high because the CV value is 2.13(&gt;0.5).</em></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Sitti Rahbiah, Andi Maslia Tenrisau Adam, Muhammad Nurul Ashari, Muhammad Hattah Fattah, Muhammad Fiqih Oktavian Hattah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PENGENDALIAN MUTU PRODUK UDANG BEKU ( FROZEN SHRIMP) MELALUI PENERAPAN HACCP PADA UNIT PENGOLAHAN IKAN (UPI) <p><em>The objectives of this study are: 1) identifying critical points in the frozen shrimp processing process in several Fish Processing Units in Makassar City in particular. 2) Evaluate the quality control in frozen shrimp processing and how far it is in accordance with the HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) concept. 3) Evaluate the basic feasibility and level of HACCP implementation from the Fish Processing Unit. This research was carried out for 1 month from December 2023 to January 2024 at the fish processing unit (UPI) in the Makassar Industrial Estate (KIMA), Makassar City. The results of this study are 1) The results of the identification of critical points (CCP) in both UPIs are known that for UPI 1 at the Raw Material and Metal Detecting stages, it is stated as a critical point (CCP). At UPI 2 critical points (CCP) at the Raw Material, Metal Detecting and Labeling stages. The monitoring of the second CCP of UPI has implemented monitoring procedures, controlling critical points consisting of components: what, how, frequency, who. 2) Both UPIs have implemented quality control for handling frozen shrimp which can be seen from the results of organoleptic and microbiological tests (ALT, Salmonella, E.Coli and V. Cholerae) which show that the results do not exceed the threshold value of each parameter. The concept of HACCP by applying 7 HACCP principles by supervising and making preventive efforts on Standard Sanitary Operating Procedures (SSOP) and Standard Processing Operations (SOP). 3) Judging from the results of the basic feasibility of both UPIs, the Standard Sanitary Operating Procedures and the Standard Processing Operations in UPI 1 have a deviation condition of (Minor 4, Major 1) with a rating of A (Very Good) and in UPI 2 the condition of deviation is (Major 3) with a rating of A (Very Good).</em></p> Rezki Tri Ahzani, Andi Tamsil, Hasnidar Hasnidar ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 EFEKTIVITAS PENAMBAHAN KAROTENOID KULIT BUAH NAGA MERAH (Hylocereus polyrhizus) PADA PAKAN BUATAN TERHADAP PERFORMA IKAN KOI (Cyprinus carpio) <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p>The study aims determine an appropriate dosage of carotenoid for artificial feed in relation with the performance of Koi fish. The research used the Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with four tratments of red dragon fruit carotenoid dosage (0, 1500, 2000, and 2500 mg/kg feed) and three replications. Koi fish wasa kept for sixty days in 12 units of glass aquarium with the size of 50 cm X 40 cm X 45 cm. Each unit was equipped with a filterisation system. Feed supply was given with a dosage of 5% of the body weight per day with a frequency of two times a day at 8 a.m and 5 p.m Central Indonesia Time. The result show that the level of β-carotene in the skin of red dragon fruits was 3.452 ppm. The highest level of carotenoid in Koi fish (0.737 ppm) was found in the carotenoid dosage of 2000 mg/kg feed. Dosage 1500 mg/kged gave the colour in the colour characteristic of Koi fish. The value was 3.75 (good category in the natural assessment criteria). Furthermore, a colour gradation of Koi fish (10 red and 11 black) was found in the dosage of 2500 mg/kg feed. The dosage of 2500 mg/kg feed also showed the highest number of chromatophore cells in the pigment of Koi fish. The carotenoid of dragon fruit skin, with a dosage 2500 mg/kg feed, can be used as supplementing feed to increase characteristik and the brightness of the colour of Koi fish.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Haerawati Haerawati, Pither Magi Sambara ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 HASIL TANGKAPAN PER UPAYA DAN POTENSI MAKSIMUM LESTARI IKAN MADIDIHANG (Thunnus albacares) YANG DIDARATKAN DI PELABUHAN PERIKANAN SAMUDERA (PPS) KENDARI <p><em>If the use of yellowfin fish is not controlled now, it will threaten the sustainability of the resource in the future.The purpose of the study was to analyze the catch per effort and maximum sustainable potential of madidihang fish landed at Kendari Ocean Fishing Port. The method in the study was a survey with descriptive analysis. The results showed that the CPUE value of madidihang fish equivalent to pole and line fluctuated from 2016-2022. In 2017 there was an increase with a value of 1,831 kg/trip and in 2019 there was a decrease with a value of 624 kg/trip. The maximum sustainable potential results of using the Schaefer and Fox model of the optimum catch effort (FMSY) value of 1,913 trips, 1,562 trips and maximum catch value (CMSY) of 2,459,467 kg / year or 2,459 tons / year, 2,341,013 kg / year or 2,341 tons / year. The stock status of madidihang fish in the Banda Sea experienced overfishing in 2016, 2017 and 2018.</em></p> Ahmad Nuramin, Andi Irwan Nur, Latifa Irwan Fekri ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PARAMETER BIOLOGI DAN PERTUMBUHAN IKAN SEMBILANG (Paraplotosus albilabris) TERTANGKAP DENGAN TRAP NET DI PERAIRAN KECAMATAN SEGERI KABUPATEN PANGKEP <p><em>The purpose of this study is to determine the distribution of size, length relationship, and weight of sembilang fish caught with trap nets in the waters of Segeri District, Pangkep Regency. The research was carried out in Segeri District, Pangkep Regency from June to December 2022. The research method uses the survey method, the data collected consists of primary data and secondary data. The results of this study are the distribution of the size of the caught sembilang fish in the average size range that reaches the beginning of adult growth, because the size of the caught fish is still below the maximum size growth. The relationship between the length and weight of the fish that is predominantly caught in the net trap is negative allometrics. With a negative allometric growth pattern, it means that the increase in length is faster than the increase in weight.</em></p> Mustamin Tajuddin, Randi Randi, Beddu Tang, Muhammad Saenong ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000